- Pack food if you can - I packed a cooler to take to my Dad's so I'd have choices. Best decision ever! It made eating at his house for lunch and snacks very easy for me. I had fresh veggies, fruits, meat and my favorite lower carb bread. Plus cheese and turkey sausage.
- Planning ahead to get up early doesn't work for me - So, I'm very aware that when I don't get enough sleep, my sugar is higher in the morning. I thought I'd be smart and take time a few days before the conference to get on an early morning schedule. Well, the first night I only got 5 hours of sleep. Not enough to keep the sugar at my norm. However, it did help me adjust to getting up early and I was good for the next couple days.
Then the back fire. I couldn't sleep the first night of the conference (too excited and too many things running through my head...could not shut it off!). I only got 4 hours of sleep that night...ugh! Another higher than usual morning. So that was two high mornings. Next time, I'm not preparing. I'm just going to get there and sleep when I can. Take one high morning, instead of two. - I have to take more down time AFTER the trip. I've been tired all week, which hasn't helped my numbers much because I don't really want to exercise. I figured I'd bounce back fast if I took time out in advance. Nope!! I don't work that way. From now on, I'll back load my trip with time off. It's Wednesday and I'm still tired...so I think I need a week off AFTER my trips and I need to work right up until the trip. I'll try that next time. For now, I'm giving myself some space to recoup, but this weekend...I'm back to moving again.
- Eating at white table cloth restaurants means lots of tasty veggie options. When Hubby and I eat out around home, we usually go to the bar & grill or buffet style places. While I can find things to eat, there are usually only one or two dishes that I make work for me. When I was visiting my Dad, we went out to nice white table cloth style restaurants, which was a nice treat. There were always plenty of tasty veggie options, plus lots of low carb dinner options. In fact, (dare I say), at times it was hard to find enough carbs! Must raise my level of income so I can do that more often. SO much easier to eat out that way.
- When the conference is full of Gluten Free and Vegan people, there is plenty of healthy food to eat. I never went hungry and there were always plenty of choices for me at the buffet line during meals. It was very easy for me to eat. I didn't even need my leftover snacks from Dad's house.
Again, planning ahead works when it comes to the food. Obviously, when it comes to sleep, I don't do so well on planning ahead for that. I live, I learn and I change it up next time. That's how I find what works. What about you? How do you find what works?