I tried Massage Therapy, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy. None of which made me feel like I could fully use my arm without a flare up. Every single one of these practitioners thought they could fix it and every single one of them ended up shaking their heads, not knowing why I still had pain and flare ups. As a last resort, I went to a surgeon who diagnosed it as tendonitis. He gave me some pills and referred to me to a pain clinic. This made me really nervous.

I wanted to go to the pain clinic armed with information. So, I talked to my Endocrinologist. He was very helpful. He talked to me about where I am in the disease and what the risks are. He gave me some sound advice on how to minimize a high. He also defined what "high" means for me. He mentioned that his office could help get me on insulin, if it goes too high. He did NOT say "Don't do it." In fact, given how in control I am and my plans for more activity if the shoulder pain goes away, he encouraged me to do one and see what happens. Reminder: I AM NOT A DOCTOR and this is certainly not what works for everyone, but this is what was recommended for me.
I was still feeling a bit skiddish though. Insulin? I don't even know how to do insulin? Do I want to find out in the middle of a high? Do I want to push the limits...even if it means my glucose will come back down? Eeeks! Scary stuff, if you ask me.
Next step was to get information from the Pain Dr. She, too, said the long-term gain is worth the short-term risk. She said the glucose can be managed if we need to. She also said one shot might just do it. It's also going to be a shot next to a tendon, NOT in a muscle which is a lot less risk for high glucose. That's 2 Doctors who have said it's worth it. Was I convinced? No. I had to go ask my family Doctor.
What did the family Doctor say? The long-term benefits outweigh the short-term risk. Glucose can be managed. I'm so well-managed that even if I do get a high, it's not even going to affect my A1C. Do it! She said. Ok. Three Doctors saying this isn't as big and scary as I think it is. That's enough.
So, I decided to move forward with the shot. I let my Endo know that I'm moving forward and I'm in contact with his office nurse. So, I can call her if I need anything and they will help me from there.
This is why it helps to talk to the Doctor. Now I know that my glucose can be managed and that I have a team behind me, if I need. It also helps to have a Hubby in a medical field who is supportive of this decision as well.
I decided to do it in spite of my fear...because I have to live life and I can't let a painful shoulder slow me down...especially if I can get rid of said pain (prognosis is good). I have visions of swimming, dancing and kayaking without pain and flare ups. So, I did it!
Yesterday, I got the shot, I guzzled tons of water and took a couple walks (as directed by the Endo). I'm not sure I needed to do that, but I'm happy with the results. I'm over 24 hours out and my glucose is staying well within my usual limits, which I'm grateful for. So glad I talked to everyone so I'd know what to expect and how to take care of myself. I'm sore, but I'm good.
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